Construction Engineering and Management Laboratory (CEML)

The Construction Engineering and Management Laboratory (CEMLab) located in 1144 Learned Hall, is the center for both undergraduate and graduate students to conduct construction related research topics.  The CEMLab is equipped with state-of-art hardware and software that including Primavera, GIS, simulation software (i.e., @Risk, Crystal Ball), smart sensors, and 3D scanner.  Construction faculty members have successfully completed research projects funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), National Highway Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP), State Department of Transportation, KU Transportation Research Institute, and the construction industry.  Research topics include, but not limited to, risk-based approaches to project delivery systems, innovative contracting and alternative delivery systems, construction engineering risk management, highway work zone safety, construction productivity improvement, life cycle analysis, sustainability, design and construction integration, construction safety, construction automation and robotics, and concrete 3D printing.